Comprehensive Logistics

SAPE Bohemia s.r.o. provides logistics services for various companies that operate in the automotive industry.

Modes of part delivery to customers

  1. JIT (just in time) - Delivery of a set amount of products in a specified time according to the demands of a customer. Products are prepared, packed and sent in correct sequence on pallets based on the customer’s requirements. The continuous stream of sequence call-offs on the part of the customer contain information about the identification number, car model, product type, product number, assembly line, and sequence number of called-off parts according to the point of assembly. The system allows parts to be checked, ensuring only correct parts are sequenced, thus eliminating the possibility of human error.

The essence of this methodology is:

  • Manufacture only what is needed and as effectively as possible
  • Prevent wasting of resources, time, capacity and other losses
  • Emphasis on 100% product quality

JIT-A  – Direct deliveries from the supplier’s manufacturing plant to the customer’s logistics site. The parts are then conveyed directly onto the assembly line according to customer requirements by our personnel.

JIT-B – Deliveries that pass directly through SAPE. The supplier produces in products in batches which are then sent to our warehouse. The stock in our warehouse is kept intentionally low, generally around 2 days. The parts are then sequenced and sent directly to the customer’s plant and later delivered onto the assembly line as requested by the customer.

JIT-C – Final assembly of a part in SAPE, at a pace dictated by sequence call-offs from the customer.


This methodology allows the reduction of warehouse stock without the need for major investments.

The main elements whilst using this system are:

  • Creation of functional self-directing regulatory processes between us and suppliers
  • Reduction of warehouse stock
  • Option for flexible and effective utilization of personnel

Crossdocking is a warehousing process, which is used for those customers that demand acceleration of supplier and distribution chains and decrease of distribution costs. The main idea is transport of goods with minimal handling and warehousing. This, in turn, achieves speed and cost effectivity in logistics process.

The main advantages are:

  • Acceleration of supplier chains
  • Very low or no warehousing costs
  • Shortening of the supplier chain
  • Acceleration of distribution
  • Warehousing of goods
  • Packaging according to the defined packaging documentation
  • Provision of shipping containers/transport trucks
  • Shipping

Warehouse management

WMS (Warehouse Management System)

All logistics operations in our warehouses are managed by WMS. Every action is recorded in real time and allows us to easily manage the whole process. Every day at any point we can gain real information about:

  • Current warehouse stock
  • Number of deliveries on their way to our warehouse
  • Number of individual orders sent by the customer

Warehouse management via WMS is enabled using labels that contain barcodes for easy automated identification. Workers are then linked to the system through barcode scanners, which feed them with information about the task at hand.

WMS eliminates the possibility for human error and guides workers to the correct storage position within the warehouse. This system provides us with an immediate overview of the storage positions and their optimization.

These services have transformed us into an efficient and prosperous company that can always adapt to the demands of the market.

Outsourcing of the logistics process

Manufacturers are currently finding out that companies that specialize in the provision of outsourcing in their respective fields can offer a more experienced workforce. The responsibility for operation is carried by a different organisation and the company that uses outsourcing can fully focus on its efforts within its respective field. It is also worth mentioning that outsourcing lowers the customer’s costs. Thus, logistic processes can be incorporated into our well tested know-how, technologies and our customer can thus save:

  • Time
  • Work
  • Financial resources